Opaque winter covers for pools

An opaque winter cover offers optimal protection when winterizing your pool. The use of this type of cover facilitates pool start up in Springtime.

Featuring anti-UV treatment, the opacity of the cover prevents the proliferation of algae (photosynthesis), reducing the quantity of chemical products used.
Resistant to weather conditions, including snow, these covers are anchored to the ground surface, protecting your pool water from the intrusion of debris and dirt.

All our opaque covers are equipped with rainwater evacuation cavities.

Many models conform to the norm NF P90-308
- Skin Wood and Wood Light for pools up to 40 m2
- Skin Cold for pools up to 80 m2
- Skin Freeze and Extrem for pools up to 90 m2

Starting from : 9 €/m²

Starting from : 9 €/m²

Starting from : 9.90 €/m²

Starting from : 12 €/m²

Starting from : 12.90 €/m²

Starting from : 12.90 €/m²

Starting from : 12.90 €/m²

Starting from : 13 €/m²

Starting from : 13.50 €/m²

Starting from : 13.90 €/m²

Starting from : 15.50 €/m²

Starting from : 16.50 €/m²

Starting from : 20.50 €/m²

Starting from : 40 

Starting from : 11.59 €/m²

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