HeatSavr liquid thermic pool cover

HEATSAVR liquid cover 2 litre tin
Heatsavr liquid cover
The HeatSavr liquid cover forms an odourless, colourless, biodegradable floating film on the water surface that maintains the temperature of your pool. The film is dispersed in a homogeneous manner on the water surface.
Regardless of the swimming pool shape, this film efficiently reduces heat loss avoiding the need to install and manipulate a pool cover.
HeatSavr is composed of isopropyl alcohol which acts as an excipient associated with carbon dioxide, water and oxygen. 30 minutes after pouring into the pool water, the isopropyl alcohol evaporates, leaving only the active ingredients on the pool water surface.
By attraction, particles of the liquid are drawn together automatically forming a fine, non-greasy cover invisible to the naked eye, cover. This molecular layer reduces greatly water evaporation and heat loss.
When the pool is in use, or when the water is agitated (wind or rain...), the liquid cover disperses, reforming when water becomes still again, allowing optimal efficiency.
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The HeatSavr liquid cover presents no danger or hazard for swimmers (tests effectuated in laboratory conditions).
The product has been developed using biodegradable ingredients which are environmentally friendly.
Using Heatsavr avoids the use of a thermal cover and reel. Your pool coping is kept clear, physically and visually.
This patented formula was invented in Canada 25 years ago and is used throughout the world.
Heatsavr can be used in a residential or public pool configuration.
Easy to use, just pour the required daily dose into the pool water, which depends on pool dimensions and frequency of use. Daily application can be automated using the HeatSavr programmable dosing pump.
HeatSavr is compatible with water treatment products excepting ozone and active carbon treatments. Its use has no consequence on the balance of your pool water - the pH, alkalinity, acidity, mineral content, chlorine level, saturation content and water clarity remain unchanged.

Economies on water heating

Compatible with all pool shapes

Less evaporation, maintains heat

Does not interupt swimming

Gains time

Round the clock efficiency - saves time
How do I dose Heatsavr?
For manual use
HeatSavr is efficient 24h/24. Just add a dose every day to the pool water :
For a pool : The standard dose is between 0.8 and 1 ml per m² per day
For a spa : The standard dose is 4 ml per m² per day
HeatSavr should be applied once a day, ideally at night.
Automatic dosing
Automatic application is made using the Smart timer dosing pump.
Factory set to operate with the vast majority of pools, however, you can program Smart Timer to operate with your own particular pool configuration.
Program settings allow up to 8 sequences of injection per day for a duration of 1 week.
Supplied with a complete connection kit, Smart Timer is easily and quickly installed on most filtration systems.
The required power supply conforms to the norm C-15-100 (using a 30 mA protection).

Advantages of the Smart Timer
The Smart Timer is:
- Easy to install :
By means of the paddle clamp integrated to the pump's injector. Only one hole needs to be drilled on the filtration hydraulic circuit to install Smart Timer.
- Precise :
Chronometric regulation ensures an injection that can be adjusted in minutes.
- Configurable :
Factory set, can be configured by the user to suit the needs of a specific pool situation.
- Quiet in operation :
By means of robust the pumps tube is compressed by two rollers (the basic principle of a peristaltic pump) ensuring the injection of residual liquids.
- Economic :
Simplified mechanics and easy to source, inexpensive, replacement wear and tear parts make this pump economic to purchase and run.
- Dependable :
The drive mechanism of the pump is equipped with bearings creating a fluid movement and less wear and tear on parts.
- Compact :
With compact dimensions measuring 140,5 x 97 x 129,4mm facilitates installation even in the smallest technical shelters.
Control panel
Smart Timer uses a digital control panel that shows:
- A precise countdown to injection time
- A clock showing time excepting injection intervals
- Faults

1. Arrows which indicate up and down allow you to modify injection intervals.
2. Function allows access to the various menu settings.
3. Enter allows navigation throughout the various sub-menus.
4. LED indicates the status of unit operation:
- Static green: pump on
- Flashing green: pump operational
- Static red: pump off
- Static orange: parameter setting is underway
- Flashing orange: pump is priming
Technical characteristics

Dimensions in mm.

Smart Timer - above view
Discharge connection (b)
Start/stop/self-prime switch (c)
Optional liquid tray level sensor (d)
Slave function connection cable (e)
Power cable (f)
Installation schema

2. Smart Timer dosing pump
3. Electrical box
4. Slave connection to pool pump
5. Pool pump
7. Suction of liquid product
8. Injection of liquid
9. Discharge to pool
Composition of kit
The Smart Timer dosing pump is delivered complete, ready to use.
The kit includes:
- Crystal PVC tube cristal for suction and injection (2).
- 50 mm paddle clamp for injector (3).
- Remenant (5).
- support de fixation (6)
- 1 users manual

Available on option - Product tray level sensor
When the sensor detects that there is no more product in the tray, Smart Timer will cease operation immediately.

Price incl. VAT
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