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ASTRAL First Bloc pool kit

ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit
Recommended retail price 2025 starting from :
4990 €
Our Price starting from :
4590 € Including VAT
Ref. Abatik 009989
Astral First Bloc 7x3.50m H1.50m concrete pool kit - Liner filtration and sealing parts
Assembly kit for inground concrete pool,
Dimensions range from 7x3m50 to 6x12m,
High-density polystyrene framework,
User-friendly and quickly installed
In stock
Astral First Bloc 7x3.50m H1.50m concrete pool kit - Liner filtration and sealing parts
Ref. Abatik 009989
EUR 4590
4590 €
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Astral First Bloc 7x3.50m H1.50m concrete pool kit - Liner filtration and sealing parts - ROMAN stairs
Ref. Abatik 009984 Ref. Provider 60037
EUR 5390
5390 €
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Astral First Bloc 8x4m H1.50m concrete pool kit - Liner filtration and sealing parts
Ref. Abatik 009613
EUR 4890
4890 €
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Astral First Bloc 8x4m H1.50m concrete pool kit- Liner filtration and sealing parts - ROMAN stairs
Ref. Abatik 009988
EUR 5790
5790 €
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Astral First Bloc 10x5m H1.50m concrete pool kit - Liner filtration and sealing parts
Ref. Abatik 009990
EUR 5890
5890 €
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Astral First Bloc 10x5m H1.50m concrete pool kit - Liner filtration and sealing parts - ROMAN stairs
Ref. Abatik 009991
EUR 6690
6690 €
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Astral First Bloc 12x6m H1.50m concrete pool kit - Liner filtration and sealing parts
Ref. Abatik 009993 Ref. Provider 60033
EUR 8900
8900 €
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Astral First Bloc 12x6m H1.50m concrete pool kits - Liner filtration and sealing parts - ROMAN stairs
Ref. Abatik 009992 Ref. Provider 60040
EUR 8190
8190 €
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Easily handled, lightweight, solid...

Astral First Bloc kit allows you to easily build your inground pool. Boasting all of the advantages of high-density polystyrene block assembly which is a light, resistant and easily assembled framework. Your future pool assembly is likened to building blocks, fast and easily accomplished.

The kit includes several block shapes, straight or curved. You are simply required to line them up, following the supplied assembly plan.

Vertical building irons ensure the rigidity of the pool wall concrete.
Following excavation of the pool and before the structure's assembly, a concrete screed will be applied to the base of the pool cavity.
Assembly ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit
Floor screed ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit

Following the application of the concrete screed (with building irons inserted), the blocks are assembled, simply interlocking one to another. The building irons (8cm in diameter), should be positioned every 25 cm vertically and horizontally in the predefined position.

Composition of kit :


Composition kit ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit
1 - Block M100
2 - Block S100
3 - Cap
4 - Spacer

Model* 7x3,5m7x3,5m with stairs 8x4m8x4m with stairs10x5m10x5m with stairs12x6m12x6m with stairs

* All models are designed for a height of 1,50m.


30cm wall crossing3334
Standard Parker extra wide skimmer1122
Parker Standard 2" main drain1111
White discharge nozzle2223
White brush adaptor1111
Standard white projector1111
Flexible cable sleeve1111
ABS junction box1111
3,60m Standard telescopic handle1111
12 m floating pipe1111
Liner accessory kit1111
Suction collector Diam 501111
Astral Millenium D 480 filter side valve 1"1/2 - 9m3/h11--
Astral Millenium D 560 filter side valve 1"1/2 - 12m3/h--1-
Astral Millenium D 660 filter side valve 2" - 17m3/h---1
25kg sand2247
25kg gravel1123
Astral Sena 0,75hp pump single phase- 9m3/h11--
Astral Sena 1hp pump single phase- 12m3/h--1-
Astral Sena 1,25hp pump single phase - 15,5m3/h---1
Electrical box 1 projector + trip switch installed1111
Liner 75/100 without print56m²68m²95m²126m²

** ref above table
Description of M100 block
The M100 blocks allow the construction of straight walls. They are lined up one against the other, following the supplied installation plan. If required, you can finish your line with a cut M100 block. Once a block is cut, its slot is removed. This is why it is important to not forget to "trim" the locking system on the next block and vice versa.
Building ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit
It is imperative to cross the blocks between the upper and lower rang at a minimum distance of 25 cm.
Polystyrene blocs ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit

Description of M100 block + caps
Angle block
To make an angle block, you must insert the upper and lower caps at the end of each block without forgetting to "trim" the section of the M100 that is situated inside the block. This allows a continuous flow concrete inside the blocks.
Bloc M100 + caps for ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit
Details of S100 block and spacers
The S100 block allows curved walls and roman stairs to be built. Spacers allow building of bended angles.
S100 and spacers for ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit
S100 blocs and spacers


Plain liner 75/100, made to measure, guaranteed 10 years digressively on soldering. Available in 7 standard colours, print or border option available.
Liner colour choice
Border available on option:
Optional liner borders for ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit
Optional liner borders for ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit

Roman stairs (depending on model)

Building your pool stairs becomes child play!

Just assemble two or three of the appropriate blocks lengthways using reinforced tape. The spacers should be inserted at the block ends, creating a curve in the staircase or pool wall.
Roman stair assembly for ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit
Roman stair framework for ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit


Water treatment kit

Smart Salt 30m311--610.00 €
Smart Salt 60m3--1-890.00 €
Smart Salt 90m3---1990.00 €
SMART pH1111315.00 €

Heating kit

Bubble cover
Bubble 400µ blue luxe standard model24,5m²32m²50m²72m²
Stair cut1111

Telescopic reel
Telescopic reel 4 to 5,50m D80111-
Telescopic reel 5 to 6,60m D80---1

Heat pump***
Heat pump CALIENTE BLACK EDITION 4S 8,7kW1---1299.00 €
Heat pump CALIENTE BLACK EDITION 4S 12kW-1--1759.00 €
Heat pump CALIENTE BLACK EDITION 4S18kW--1-2529.00 €
Heat pump CALIENTE BLACK EDITION 4S 21kW---13600.00 €
Heat pump by pass kit1111offert
Smart Salt and Smart pH options for ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit
Heating option for ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit

***The figures in the below table supposes the use of a thermal cover. If your pool is not equipped with one, please consult our team to find the model the best adapted to your needs.

Installation process

Positioning reinforcing irons in concrete screed

The concrete screed on the floor of the pool cavity is made using 2 layers of metal reinforcing grills; the fist is positioned on plots to ensure installation above the ground surface. The second layer is positioned on 7cm spacers to ensure upper and lower covering.
Two options for the vertical rods:
1) Angle irons can be positioned every 25cm, soldering to the metal reinforcing grills to raise 50cm inside the polystyrene blocks.

2) It is possible to adopt a 2nd technique - the screed is applied without the rods being positioned and soldered. They are inserted into holes drilled into the screed (being careful not to pierce the screed when drilling) and secured using a chemical sealant. A full height pillar is required in each angle.

Horizontal irons :
As indicated on the schema, horizontal irons are positioned above spacers on each layer of blocks. A belt of reinforced concrete will be made with two builders irons, 8 or 10 in diameter, positioned on a bracket.
Each angle of the structure will be reinforced by a bracket.
Reinforcement  system for ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit
Floor screed ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit

Technical indications
Quantity of concrete
132 litres per m2
Quantity of concrete for screed
350 kg or equivalent
Quantity of concrete for pool walls
350 kg or equivalent
Granulometry required
0,12 / 0,15
Installation of blocks
Retaining lugs upwards
Crossing points of blocks
0,25 cm minimum
Maximum height for concrete application
1,50 m
Material required for installation:
- Hand saw to trim blocks
- Pointed saw to cut parts
- Cutter
- Drill
- Measuring tape
- Builders pencil

Position the straight and angle profiles

To begin with, trim the retaining lugs that are at the top of the wall and all around the periphery of the pool to position the rail in place.
Straight rails feature a U profile, so they form perfectly the upper and inner section of the block as indicated in the photo.

The profile will be anchored in the screed when it is applied.

Installation of angle rail for ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit
1. Position the polystyrene angle block in the corner of the pool and position the angle profile.
2. Trace the section that should be cut as indicated on the photo at a height of 10 cm.
3. Once the block is cut, it is easy to position the angle profile.
Bloc cut for ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit

Position the underfelt

The underfelt is a non-weaved material, 500 g/m², that features a thermal treatment so it will not deform following installation. The underfelt offers rigidification to the pool wall and creates a draining space under the liner.

The underfelt will be stuck to the smooth surface of the block, like a carpet, in bands of 1,50m in height on the wall or lengthways on each pool wall section. A water-based glue is spread on the blocks using a 3mm toothed spatula. The side of the underfelt which is thermally treated will be in contact with the liner.

Before installing the liner, to minimise the risk of the development of bacteria and mildew, it is recommended to apply a coat of anti-bacterial fungicide on the pool structure surfaces.

- Total coverage of the pool surfaces using a toothed spatula (consumption approx 300g/m²).
- Leave an overlap of 2 cm and cut just above the profile.
Underfelt installation for ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit

Installation of sealing parts

All dimensions are expressed from point 0 (under pool coping)

The water level depends on skimmers, this is why it is important to position them as high as possible to point - 0.
Skimmer installation ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit

Lighting projectors
A depth of - 60 cm. Insert large headed nails on the periphery of the alcove before injecting polyurethane.
Projector installation ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit

Discharge nozzles and brush adaptor
The discharge nozzles are installed on a wall crossing at - 40 cm. The discharge nozzles are installed on a wall crossing at - 20cm.
Discharge nozzles and brush adaptor installation ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit
1. Trace the outline of the parts in the inner pool wall.
2. Cut the panel using a hand saw.
3. Use expansive polyurethane to seal parts.

Proceed using the same method for counter current units, balneotherapy units, ladders, etc.
Skimmer positioning ASTRAL First Bloc concrete pool kit

Photos non-contractual
Price incl. VAT

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